Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Early Morning Omelette

My version of Healthy, Fast and Cheap: Leaving Home Cookbook and Survival Guide's The Omelette with the added step of baking (for some reason, I wanted to bake it, I think I saw it in "Good Eats") and a change in ingredients. A big breakfast for my boyfriend and his study group after pulling an allnighter, and a chance to cook after being sick almost a week.

6 eggs
Extra Virgin Olive oil
1 red onion
1 tomato
1 green pepper
Tex-Mex seasoning
black pepper
shredded cheese

Start by preheating the oven at 250 F.

Add the oil into a large, deep skillet and heat to medium.

Meanwhile, chop the all the vegetables thoroughly. After doing so, whisk slightly the eggs together (or 2 at a time) until fluffy.

When the oil spreads easily, add the vegetables to cook. Once they're ready, pour the eggs over them, making sure they spread evenly. Add the seasoning to taste.

Cook until just about set, then stick in the oven for 10 minutes to finish cooking. The egg will adquire a golden coating and a pizza-like state.

Serve covered in cheese and enjoy!

Serves 4

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